As a child, I still remember that my mother often told me to do skipping immediately after I finished brushing my teeth. When I tried to find out ways to escape from skipping, she told me strictly that she would not give me breakfast, if I skipped this routine. When I started doing it on a regular basis, she gifted me a new jumping rope and I was elated. From then onwards till date I have followed the same practice. Moreover, I have passed it on to my next generation as well. When everybody today is looking out for ways to lose weight, and are spending hours together at the gym, buying fancy gym equipment that cost you your entire salary, I suggest you should give a shot and try weight loss through skipping. It is an excellent cardiovascular workout that will definitely burn your calories faster without using any heavy duty equipment.
It is a perfect exercise for children, as it helps in increasing the height of your child. It helps in better body coordination as well. Besides this is a boon who are looking out to lose weight really fast. If you use the jumping rope for half an hour, you will able to lose at least three hundred calories per day. To get the best results you should keep a check on your diet as well. I assure you that if you follow both these things, you will definitely lose at least one pound per week. Moreover, as you start losing your weight, you will feel more motivated and will be able to enjoy this sport like any other school going kid.
This cardiovascular exercise does not require any specific training. It is simple and easy to do. Even professional sports persons are using it, especially those who are into athletics, badminton, tennis, football, etc. Whenever we go out for nature treks or camps, I make it a point to take my jumping ropes along with me. It is a perfect workout that increases the strength of your muscles, bones, heart. It ensures that your body becomes leaner, improves your coordination, agility, rhythm and adds extra power to your body. It is even included in various fitness training programs. It definitely burns more calories than your regular walking or jogging routine and that too within a short span of time.
For the beginners, it is a good idea to start with a beaded rope. Use proper shoes like cross training shoes, or wear
athletic shoes. The surface on which you will be exercising should preferably be wooden, or you can use an impact mat as well. If you have not practiced skipping for a while, I suggest that you develop a rhythm by moving around the rope for a while. Next you can practice pure jumping for a few minutes. Then combine the two and start out with your skipping. Practice it with sufficient intensity in order to get maximum benefits for the efforts you have put in. The key to success is that you should jump or skip in a proper manner. For this, you need to stand at the center of the rope and the handles should reach out to the armpits. If the length is more, make sure that you shorten it. Jump in such a way that you are at least one to two inches off from the floor. Let the rope slip under your feet. Remember only the balls should rest and touch the floor. Make sure your elbows are close to your sides and that the movement is coming from your forearms, wrists. It should not come from your shoulders. Ensure that your feet stay together during each jump. Even if you stop in between, make sure that you keep your feet moving.
Initially your calves may get sore, your head or your feet might get hit by your rope. However, even if you keep on getting injured, I am sure you will get the feeling of complete body workout. Beginners may be drenched in sweat completely, but as you practice it for longer intervals, you will start building up your stamina and find that you have lost a considerable inches from your problem areas. Skipping or jumping rope makes you more aware of your body and helps you to lose weight from problem areas like hips, thighs, and back. Your muscles will be more toned and have greater strength as well. It is a great workout for your core muscles group. Skipping for a longer time will ensure that your abdominal fat is eliminated within a few days as well.
Skipping elevates your energy and endurance levels, as well as your stamina. Research has shown evidences that vigorous skipping produces high level of opiate, viz., beta endorphin. This is more or less hormone like substance that is produced by the pituitary gland and brain. This in turn increases the pain tolerance capacity of an individual and gives him/her a feeling of well being.
It is vital that after your practice session you cool off your body and get back your normal heart rate. However, care
must be taken that you do not put much stress on your ankles and knees, as it may lead to injury or pain. Also, make sure that you seek the advice of your physician, especially if you are having any joint related injuries or pain. It is essential that you wear proper padded athletic shoes so that you are at minimum risk of getting injured.
Thus, if you want to lose your weight in an effective way, enhance your fitness levels, get trimmer hips, thighs and backsides, build your bone density, then skipping with the help of a jumping rope is definitely one of the best options you can choose. So, get ready to shape up your body and help it to get transformed into a sexy one.
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